The founding members of CAGE all met as a result of our sons being entrapped by Operation Net Nanny in Washington State. We’ve fought hard but lost our cases. This is not surprising given the >95% conviction success rate. We have studied and know all of these cases. We know who lost, who won, and who died. We have personal stories from over thirty (>10%) affected individuals or their families. We have connections to individuals at every prison facility in Washington State (over 100 individuals). We know the process! If you or your family member was arrested in Operation Net Nanny or similar sting operation please reach out as we maybe able to help you through this difficult situation and you can help us in our fight for justice.
Articles & Documents:
The first three links is education that all lawyers and judges who work these cases should have.
Understand Ageplay Online – After learning that ageplay is something commonly used as a pornographic film plot and as role play on pornographic websites, it becomes clear that one of law enforcement’s big secrets about they how they conduct their so-called “child predator” sting operations is to use language and content from the pornographic world. The purpose is to get men to play along with this sexual fantasy the decoys present and/or to create a lot of confusion in order to keep the men engaged.
Understand why and how Ex-WSP Detective Carlos Rodgriguez and other police officers created the ads they used in their sting operations – Incest role play is something else used in the world of pornography
WSP placed ads with pornographic content on adult sex platforms to lure men – This is what WSP used to lure many men to make them look like “child predators”
(Un)controlled Operations: Undercover in the Security Control Society
True Fictional Story, Washington State Patrol Net Nanny – December 2022 guest submission on how those impacted about Net Nanny see these operations; hypocritical and padding paychecks.
Washington Supreme Court Clarifies Burden of Production Standard for Entrapment to Be Entitled to Jury Instruction – An article in the Criminal Legal News, November 2022 edition about the Arbogast case and the Entrapment standard.
Operation Net Nanny FACTSHEET – The basics of the Net Nanny sting operation along with all of the questionable tactics and conflicts of interest being made (Updated Nov 2023). The operation is abuse of power pure and simple.
ICAC Operational Standards Sept 2017 – This is one of the many ICAC Operational Standards circulating these days. This one was released at a meeting in Washington State (Lacy City Counsel Meeting). It is official and 100% verified. Difference between this version and the October 2014 release is Section 7.3 was removed (from 2014 to 2017 document) on compiling and submitting details on cases submitted for prosecution.
IAD Standard Operating Procedures Manual 2017 – This document was obtained via FOIA. Chapter 7 is the MECTF operational procedures for the WSP. Much of this follows the ICAC Standards. This helps to show MECTF (a division of the WSP) must follow ICAC guidelines since they wrote it into their own Standard Operating Procedures. Partially redacted. Here is a link to only CHAPTER 7 of the IAD Manual included with a Motion to Dismiss by someone who lost their trial.
ICAC Net Nanny Training Presentation 2019 – Operation Net-Nanny: A Collaborative Attack on Child Sex Trafficking is an 82 page slide deck (94Mbytes) from August 2019 (Alternative Download). Page 78 shows the location of NN#1 – NN#15 and arrests made. This is the training from the 31st annual Crimes Against Children Conference held each year in Dallas, Texas.
The Investigator’s Guide to Interviewing Suspects Seeking to Exploit Children– Similar to the above training material. This is a 73 page slide deck (17Mbytes) from August 2019. It is about Unlocking the Truth (interrogation methods) from those they arrest during their proactive Net Nanny sting operations.
Supreme Court is right to protect privacy of text messages – In Canada your text messages to another party are protected under privacy laws. They are NOT in Washington State. If they were it would be impossible to for any of these stings to occur. Prosecutors and the court claim you give “implied consent” when you send your text messages and have no privacy.
Mindhunters: Exploiting Offender Psychology in Proactive Operations and Abuse Investigations – Training given September 2019. Learn psychological insights and practical strategies to exploit internet sex offender dynamics. Discover how to apply the behavioral profiles of solicitation and child pornography offenders in a variety of settings, including conducting proactive operations or pretext phone calls, crafting undercover personas and interviewing perpetrators. This webinar will also address how to attack sex offender risk assessments, with perspectives from prosecution and forensic psychology. Note, this maybe available for watching ON DEMAND.
2015 Aug: Net Nanny #1 – Kitsap County, 9 Arrested. (OUR Press Release)
2015 Dec: Net Nanny #2 – Pierce County, 11 Arrested.
2016 Feb: Net Nanny #3 – Snohomish County, 6 Arrested.
2016 Jul: Net Nanny #4 – Spokane County, 13 Arrested.
2016 Sep: Net Nanny #5 – Thurston County, 22 Arrested.
2017 Feb: Net Nanny #6 – Clark County, 11 Arrested. (No WSP Press Release)
2017 Apr: Net Nanny #7 – Pierce County, 15 Arrested.
2017 Jul: Net Nanny #8 – Benton County, 26 Arrested. (News Article Link)
2017 Oct: Net Nanny #9 – Kitsap County, 20 Arrested. (OUR Press Release)
2017 Dec: Net Nanny #10 – Whatcom County, 20 Arrested. (Bellingham Herald - Net Nanny #10)
2018 Mar: Net Nanny #11 – Jefferson County, 10 Arrested. (OUR Press Release)
2018 Jun: Net Nanny #12 – Spokane County, 9 Arrested.
2018 Jul: Net Nanny #13 – Pierce County, 22 Arrested. (OUR Press Release)
2018 Dec: Net Nanny #14 – Kittitas County, 13 Arrested. (OUR Press Release, News Article Link)
2019 Mar: Net Nanny #15 – Thurston County, 22 Arrested. (OUR Press Release)
2019 Jul: Net Nanny #16 – Kitsap County, 19 Arrested. (OUR Press Release)
2019 Nov: Net Nanny #17 – Yakima County, 16 Arrested.
2019 Dec: Trafficking Operation – DuPont, WA, 4 Arrested (WSP METCF but not a Net Nanny Operation).
2020 Jan: Net Nanny #18 – Snohomish County, 7 Arrested.
2021 Feb: FBI Scores Four – King County (Seattle), 4 Arrested in a Federal Sting.
2021 Feb: WSP Employee Arrested in Sting – Kirkland, WA. The WSP ran the Net Nanny. Seattle PD's ICAC division ran this sting and arrested a Washington State Patrol (WSP) employee. Interesting turn of events (karma, justice, etc.). FOX News actually published his name and more details.
2021 Mar: Operation Day Care #1 - Pierce County, 4 Arrested. This is the Net Nanny replacement. Less arrested, lower bail but all Felony A charges with long potential sentencing. (News Article Link)
2021 Jul: Unnamed Sting in Pierce - Pierce County, 2 Arrested (WSP, MECTF Sting).
2022 Aug: Net Nanny #19 - Grant County, 7 Arrested (WSP, MECTF Sting).
2022 Nov: Net Nanny #20 - Lewis County, 12 Arrested (WSP, MECTF Sting).
2023 Jun: Operation 2541 - Stevens County, 7 Arrested (A SCSO, MECTF, ICAC Sting).
2023 Nov: Net Nanny #21 - Cowlitz County, 11 (15) Arrested (WSP, MECTF Sting).
2024 Jul: Net Nanny #22 - Chelan and Douglas Counties, 12 Arrested (WSP, MECTF Sting).
2024 Nov: Net Nanny #23 (Child Exploitation Operation) - Skagit County, 14 Arrested (WSP, MECTF Sting).
Washington State Sentencing Guidelines Manual (2020)
RCW 9A.28.020 - Criminal Attempt. [Note Item (2) it is no defense to a prosecution of such attempt that the crime charged to have been attempted was, under the attendant circumstances, factually or legally impossible of commission.]
RCW 9A.44.073 – Rape of a child in the first degree – attempt (Class A felony)
RCW 9A.44.076 – Rape of a child in the second degree – attempt (Class A felony)
RCW 9.68A.100 – Commercial sexual abuse of a minor (Class B felony)
RCW 9.68A.070 – Possession of depictions of a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct (Class B felony)
RCW 9.68A.050 – Dealing in depictions of a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct (Class B felony)
RCW 9.68A.090 – Communication with a minor for immoral purposes (Class C felony)
Notable Cases:
We will provide more links to cases here including documents, transcripts, etc. If your cases is pending and you need more information please contact us as we have more stuff available then we could possibly ever post.
Operation Net Nanny CASES and LAWS – Various Net Nanny cases won and lost which show the extent the operation will go to convict individuals. Also list out violations made to the Operating Procedures (minor update Nov 2023).
State of Washington v. Solomon – Decided May 2018. Filed under 76298-2-i with the Washington Courts this IS the outrageous sting case everyone likes to cite. In this case law enforcement badgered and belittled Solomon to overcome his own will and show up to the trap house. It was dismissed in the lower courts but the prosecution appealed (yes, the prosecution can also appeal). The appeal court affirmed the dismissal stating that the actions of the low enforcement officer constituted outrageous misconduct in violation of Solomon’s right to due process.
State of Washington v. Chapman – Decided Jan 2019. Filed under 50089-2-ii with the Washington Courts shows that Chapman should have been allowed to use the entrapment argument during his trial. Chapman was serving a ten year sentence at the time. He was released after two years. Two charges were dismissed prior to re-trial with entrapment. One charge remained which was more than satisfied by the time served. State of Washington v. Rondeau used this case in order to allow their entrapment argument to aid in an acquittal of one charge.
State of Washington v. Majeed – Decided Oct 2020. Filed under 36591-3-iii with the Washington Courts shows that Majeed did not commit Commercial Sex Abuse of a minor. One of his main arguments was since there was no victim/minor these charges should not be allowed. Great argument and great case. The major charge was dismissed and Majeed was released from prison.
State of Washington v. Arbogast – Decided Dec 2020. Filed under 36250-7-iii with the Washington Courts is similar to the Chapman case. Did WSP officers used more than a normal amount of persuasion in their communications with him? We will let you read and decided. The case was sent to the Supreme Court (99452-8) which he also won. Mr. Arbogast wins his argument because he was wrongly prevented from presenting a “lack of predisposition” evidence and can’t be based solely on law enforcement’s conduct. This a another big win to show these stings need to allow the entrapment argument for these stings. Read THIS ARTICLE in Criminal Legal News about the Supreme Court decision and what it means for the Entrapment Defense and these stings.
Washington State Legislature:
Below are some bills and other items we are following in 2024. Several items which can help those incarcerated as a result of Operation Net Nanny.
1) Earned Release Time (1/3rd off for everyone) – HB 1798. This failed to move forward for the 3rd time in 4 years. This bill was much more restrictive in not allowing for retro-active earned time.
1) Lifetime Community Custody removal and replaced with 5, 10, 15 year maximum time frames. HB 2178. This was introduced in 2024 and very conservative but never made it to the floor for a vote. We do believe something will eventually make it but this has been in process for a few years now, 2024 was first time bill was introduced. It has A LOT of support behind it.
2) Alternative sentencing for these STING operations. We have not seen a bill for this and not sure everyone will ever come about for a Diversion type program. Need to have a lot of push on Legislature.
Page 467 – 468: Details the WSIPP Study:
(e)(i) $90,000 of the amounts in fiscal year 2022 are provided solely for the Washington state institute for public policy to study net nanny and similar fictitious victim sting operations. The study must:
(A) Describe the current research on net nanny-type sting operations, including any evidence of their effectiveness in deterring or reducing crime, their costs, and the potential advantages or drawbacks of their use in crime prevention; and
(B) Compare the characteristics of individuals convicted under net nanny stings with individuals convicted of child sex offenses 8through other avenues.
(ii) The Washington state patrol shall provide the Washington state institute for public policy with the data necessary to conduct the analysis in (e)(i)(B) of this subsection. A net nanny sting operation is a collaborative operation that includes local, state, and federal law enforcement that targets the arrest and prosecution of individuals involved in child abuse and exploitation using the internet by using a fictious victim. By June 30, 2022, the institute must submit results from the study to the appropriate committees of the legislature.
Faith Action Network is an interfaith statewide partnership striving for a just, compassionate, and sustainable world through community building, education, and courageous public action. We are a diverse coalition though which thousands of people and over 150 faith communities across Washington State partner for the common good. Together, we are a powerful voice of the faithful building a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world.